Sunday, August 1, 2010

two pages of vocabulary

Oh the 'To do' list grows and grows! I have yet to locate a place but I'm planning on joining a conversation group or whatnot to practice my verbal Spanish skills. My spoken fluidity lags quite noticeably behind my comprehension.

While my oral comprehension doesn't require much work, I'm nonetheless anxious for our shipment to arrive and bring me my dictionaries, for this morning over breakfast I read a 5-page short story in El País Semanal (the weekend supplement magazine of the newspaper A favours) that yielded 2 notebook pages of vocabulary and expressions I need to look up.

Nothing much else to tell at the moment, since we have not explored much of the city yet, what with getting settled in, banking, shopping, and the fear of leaving doggy-pants alone again just yet. Yesterday we walked to a nearby market (indoor, not a farmer's) and I went in to buy veggies as G & A waited at a nearby bar (what café/bistros are called here, as I've mentioned). I bought a big load of veg, a couple of peaches, a couple of pears and two apricots, some ginger and a huge bag of bay leaves, and it only cost 18 euros — a big difference from Japan! I must start researching organic produce though, hopefully find a farm that delivers/drops nearby or a farmer's market at least.

Oh and we met the very nice and chatty landlord of our apartment who came by last night with her son and husband to have a look at our airconditioning system. By that time however, we had already determined that it was a short circuit that was flipping the breaker when certain rooms were put on at the same time. Thankfully we can now use it, closing doors and cooling only a room or two at a time, which for green-ness sake we would be doing most of the time anyway (when it's just the 3 of us)!


  1. hola chica, can't you just talk to A in Spanish?! HAHA! When is your shipment due to arrive?

    BTW: how come a comment I left on the previous post didn't show up?!

    let's talk soon.

  2. Hmmm, you're right, I should make more effort to permanently flip the switch on our usual habits I've always spoken to him in mainly English, some French, though recently a little spanish too. Don't know when exactly our stuff is arriving but supposedly it'll be soon (next week?), which is earlier than originally anticipated.

    PS: I fixed the comment thing. Comments don't publish automatically anymore (to avoid spam) but I still have to remember to click the "Ok, publish" button in the comment notification mssg, instead of just deleting it after i read it like i used to do! Change... it gets harder with age, no? LOL!

    PPS: How the heck are you and why don't you ever sign into skype anymore?

  3. hey C,
    Thanks for fixing the comments thing. It wasn't a bad comment so I didn't understand why it wasn't there!

    I just tried you on Skype. Will try you again tomorrow.


  4. Dude, it was 5:30 a.m.? No wonder I wasn't on Skype! Seriously, i guess it'll wait till the weekend cuz you're at work by the time i wake up!

  5. Oops! Yesterday I hadn't quite got the time difference thing; but today is a new day & I get it now!

    Anyway, I'll be home Sunday morning...


  6. Hola Carolita, how's Alain's new job going?...Hi to G-dog!
    love, edie

  7. Morganne - k, let's try Sunday but guarantees because Alain's brother & nieces arrive around 1p.m. so I might be out in the evening... If you see this mssg this morning (Friday) though, why not have a quick chat before work (7a.m. for you is 4 p.m. for me & I'll be here).

    Ede - Hi! Thanks for the pics, I e-mailed you back. Alain's new job is going swimmingly I think. His boss is still away on vacation and only comes back on Monday but still, August is super-extra quiet here because most people (all over Spain/other countries in Europe too I think) take the whole month off! Madrid is quite deserted, it's kind of spooky!

  8. OMG I just looked at the pics of your place - it is really nice - love those floors! And I'm sorry it looks FRIGGIN HUGE !! Do y'all like it?
    luv, edie
