Sunday, December 19, 2010

feliz naiveté

With 4 days to go before Christmas eve, we're looking for a way to get rid of our 7-foot plus Christmas tree. Because babies, it is d-e-a-d, done, finito!

See two weeks ago we went to the famous Plaza d'España Christmas market and they had several stands with big, bushy, impressive ones. Alain was all eager to get one and so I just went along and we basically bought the first one we saw (and, my friends, it weren't cheap but hey, it's a special Christmas).

Anyway, I did ask a few questions, but seeing as they were in pots (with plaster on top of the earth) rather than cut like the majority back in Canada, I believed the guy when he said it'd last until Christmas no problem, even into January, he claimed.

There is, after all, a sucker born every minute.

And my mate does not seem to agree with me that we should go back to our dear vendor in Plaza d'España though. Could be because a) we didn't get a receipt, and b) the dude was as tall (and bushy) as the tree.

So I think tonight is the sad night of undecorating the poor thing and tomorrow A has to inform himself about where we can dispose of it, and how as I can't really help him lift it, because dried out or not, it still weighs almost what I do.


  1. Oh Auntie! Thats no good! Come on you're Canadian you shouldve known not to buy before the Christmas Parade! Haha, ahhhhh what are you guys gonna do get a fake one or go get smaller little scrub?

  2. Don't laugh at your elders there señor! I've been duped before (didn't I ever tell you about my trip to Bangkok with your aunt M?) so being Canadian hasn't helped me! Plus, they don't have a Christmas parade here to my knowledge. I donno what we're doing, Alain's going to look somewhere else tonight to see if he can find something cheaper. Dude plunked down the original wad real fast and is feeling a little hesitant. Haaa... xxxxooo

  3. Nearest park (or "safe" area) and have yourselves a very merry (and free!) xmas bonfire?

    The holidays aren't the same without you boo! Miss our week long eating/drinking fest from last year :(


  4. Update: Last night we bought a replacement about half the size of the original with half the bushiness too but at least this one is indeed alive!

    In chatting with the honest vendor we got it from, he explained the scam to us: the plaster on top of the earth in the pot was to cover the fact that the thing was actually a (probably illegally) cut tree with no roots. Which is why us putting water in the hole in the plaster, as instructed, did squat-diddly. Selling that kind of tree is illegal, for the obvious reasons so I just wonder why the cops don't haunt the big popular xmas market. Maybe they were also... um, intimidated, by that huge bushy guy?

    Anyhoo, it was funny to see A with our little handsaw last night: he cut the poor big boy into 2 pieces so he could get most of it out of the house. The last 3rd, permanently frozen in the plaster-filled pot, has been dragged into our storage room.

  5. Craziness! Glad it got sorted out in the end, but I hate to think of how many other people had the same experience! Our tree is just about kaput too, but we bought it too early. Lesson learned for next time!

    Just wanted to pop by and say Happy Christmas! *hugs*

  6. JJ - Hope you & T-man (and the wee furry ones) have a wonderful holiday. I have officially survived day one (though the dishes still aren't finished... but I think I'm just gonna step away and leave others to deal with that while I collapse in a heap of adrenaline crash). Hugs.
